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Grain NIR - Protein & Moisture Analyser

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
2 kali



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Detail Grain NIR - Protein & Moisture Analyser

Grain growers, grain storage services, grain receival depots and milling operaors can now measure protein and moisture of their grain in approximately one minute. This technology non-chemically determines the composition of many of our agricultural products. Typical applications include protein and moisture in grains, and protein, moisture and oil in oilseeds. There are an increasing number of farmers, farmer groups and small agricultural businesses considering the viability of owning their own NIR instrument. Features: • NIR instruments for use in farming systems are generally purchased with calibrations installed. The total cost for the instrument and calibrations will depend on the number of calibrations required. • As NIR measurements are an indirect measuring technique, monitoring each calibration for accuracy using check samples is vital. If the calibrations are not monitored regularly there is no way of knowing whether the readings are correct. • The checking procedure will involve an annual cost. This operating cost should be allowed for in the annual budget. • Calibration accuracy varies depending on the component being measured, and the type of NIR instrument used.
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